November 28, 2020
Dear Friends in Christ,
We hope this most unusual Thanksgiving found you looking back on years gone by that seemed wonderfully 'normal'. The word 'normal' seems to not have arrived in the year 2020. . . but 'thanks giving' definitely remains.
Have you ever been so overly organized that it 'upset the apple cart'? Well, our update/fundraiser letter you will be receiving is now incorrect. Richard and I were to leave for Ecuador on Monday, November 23th. Since we did not plan to return until December 20th we had all Christmas gifts purchased, mailed and the house decorated. Three days prior to our departure I was diagnosed with a retinal hemorrhage. At that point no retinal tear or detached retina was visible. Thus, flying was out of the question.
Richard will leave tomorrow and I am asking for your prayers for his safe travel and protection from Covid which has also increased in Floron. (Floron is the village of the Buen Samaritano Clinic and Water.) You may wonder why he is going. Besides medical supplies he is taking parts for the water production equipment that is in need of new parts. He hopes to still be home by December 20th.
We sincerely thank you for your prayer coverage and thank God for your faithfulness over many, many years. May you be blessed as you have blessed us and the impoverished of Floron, Ecuador.
Adelante en Cristo, (i.e. "Onward in Christ")
Elizabeth and Richard <><