June 12, 2023
Dear Friends,
After flying all night and spending four hours in Quito’s Mariscal Sucre Airport (awaiting their flight to Manta) the exhausted team of nine, known as “Mercy Music,” arrived Buen Samaritano Clinic and Water at 8:30am. Not to mention their own instruments, they also toted drums, violins, and keyboards to be given to local aspiring musicians whom they will work with over the course of the week.
After a quick breakfast of ceviche, kiawe and freshly squeezed lemonade they headed for a well-deserved siesta. But by 3pm Monday afternoon everyone and their instruments trucked over to the church next door for a couple hours of practice. I crept over to listen. . . Yup!
(Top L: I wasn’t the only one having a sneak preview as the team practiced.)
(Top R: A close up of singers - Cleofe, Vicktoria, Susanna, Ashley & Kaitlyn.
(Bottom L: Team Leader Chris Lang in forefront on key board with Daniel - electric guitar and Terrell - drums)
(Bottom R: Steven Sanchez from Floron joins group on electric guitar.)
After briefly listening (of course I’m no expert) it didn’t surprise us that this group has combed the world with their contemporary Christian music. . . we can’t wait for Wednesday’s concert ‘on the roof and the main concert at the huge Las Vegas Park in Portoviejo!
And lastly, remember Carlos who had the open-heart surgery about six months ago? Yesterday was his first time back leading the singing at church. He was DYNAMIC! Such a praise for his incredible recover!

Thank you for your prayers and please keep them coming for safety, health and prepared hearts as each day unfolds.
Dios los bendiga,
Elizabeth and Richard <><